Not possible to Fetch User Workload

trace-id: 63cde57a30a85a147f76f55b43f25c5b
API Endpoint:
Request: GET /api/v1/users/workload?intervalStart=2025-02-01T00%3A00%3A00Z&intervalEnd=2025-02-28T23%3A30%3A00Z&roughPlanningFrom=1

Response: 500 - Internal server error
„code“: „server-error“,
„description“: „Oops, something went wrong. Try repeating the request. If it still fails, visit our developer portal for help at Provide the ‚trace-id‘ from the response header so that we can help you best.“,
„traceId“: „63cde57a30a85a147f76f55b43f25c5b“

I want to fetch the workload of all users. But it is responding with an error 500.

Hi @Thomas2 , thanks for reporting this. You need to send a userIds query param with the user ids. I am working on a fix for the error message. This is listed as optional according to our docs but it is not. Will be fixed as well. Returns the users' workloads per day. — awork API | Documentation