API-Abruf von Projektstatus-Optionen

Translated original post to english:

Hello everyone,

I am currently trying to familiarize myself with the API and wanted to query the possible object status options via the API so that I can change the project status from another system via a separate API call if necessary.

However, I am currently stumbling over the query with the call of the project status entries: Returns all project statuses. - awork API | Documentation

It returns various status entries (e.g. “blocked”) multiple times with the API call described there. Each with a different ID. But this basically means that the status is a “clone” for a single project in each case.

Is there a way to retrieve the originals? Or can I just take any of the IDs and it will create a “clone” again with the corresponding properties?

Thanks for a hint :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @Gregor1, every project can have a unique set of project statuses, therefore you need to find the project statuses for the relevant project. The global endpoint returns all statuses with a project id that you can filter by.

Alternatively, you can build a filter that gets the statuses for one project only, i.e. `projectId eq guid’123’

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Hi @Sebastian , thank you for the feedback.

I Think I do understand it now and know how to handle the API request sequence in order to set the required attributes.

Maybe a short hint on the api page,that each project has its own status set, would be great. I was trained on „normalize as much as you can“ and therefore automatically searched for the source of those project status entries :wink:

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