I’m failing how to connect PowerBI to awork via API.
I use „Get Data“ and select „Web“.
I switch to „Advanced Mode“ and put the API Endpoint URL https://api.awork.com/api/v1/ in the first line.
And then I’m struggling where to put the Bearer Credentials in. In the drop-down is no „Authorization“ entry. Is „Accept“ the right choice? And where to but the short token and the long key?
In Postman everything works fine, but PowerBI is awful.
May someone have a great idea, how to do this?
Thanks in advance,
The script stopps at the ‚getPageofTimeTrackings‘ function.
The full error is: „Expression.Error: Der Header ‚Authorization‘ wird nur unterstützt, wenn eine Verbindung anonym hergestellt wird. Diese Header können mit allen Authentifizierungstypen verwendet werden: Accept, Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, Cache-Control, Content-Type, If-Modified-Since, Prefer, Range, Referer“
I really don’t know, what I’m doing wrong.
I can’t connect, because now it says the credentials are not ok. But they are.
The token are the „short“ digits, the key is the very long. Right?
hey there, i recently started to work with power bi due to the fact that in awork custom fields are not present to be selected in reports. Thus for me it would be helpful to get a general introduction (how to) connecting power bi with awork. The goal should be that I am able to access all the data in awork. Please let me know if you have already such a guide (if yes, where can I find it) or if you can publish one.
Hi @TiRe005, welcome. No, we don’t have a PowerBI guide that we can share. But PowerBI should be able to import awork data from the API without issues. The developer docs should give you all the details needed to connect the API to PowerBI, including getting an API token and fetching data. There are lots of examples. This forum is also a good place for questions. I hope this helps.
Hi Sebastian, I was able to create the connection wirh Power BI. Great would be if there is an easy understandable how to in which steps are needed to get access to the custom field „examplefield“. Is it possbile to publish something like that to me?
Hi @TiRe005, sounds good. I don’t have any experience with PowerBI unfortunately. I am happy to answer questions about the API. There is a dedicated section on working with custom fields via the API: Custom Fields — awork API | Documentation Does that help?
As I said I unfortunately have not worked with PowerBI before. Nils posted some instructions a while ago on how this should work, maybe that helps: API Call via MS PowerBI - #4 von Nils