We have an external tool that we use at the end of the month with the help of the Awork API to create invoices on a project/customer level in sevDesk based on configured time reports (https://api.awork.com/api/v1/timereports). Two weeks ago, when we wanted to create these invoices for February, we noticed that our tool no longer works.
The aforementioned API endpoint now only returns „unauthorized“ - „No permissions to access this endpoint.“ and in the API documentation for v1 (API Reference | awork API | Documentation), the timereports API endpoint is no longer present. Ultimately breaking our tool. In January this endpoint was still available and working.
However, there is nothing mentioned about this in the API changelog. There was also no announcement for this change. References to v2 have now appeared in the documentation but still no mention of timereports.
This raises a few questions
Why has the API endpoint for timereports been removed from the documentation and is this temporary or permanently?
Why has this been done silently without any regards to possible usages from third parties, willingly breaking integrations? Was this a security issue?
If this is a temporary change, when or how will access be possible again?
If permanent, is there an alternative with the same functionality, and what is the timeline for it? The time entries API is completely inadequate for any such purpose.
Please re-consider how you handle changes to your public API and information regarding these changes. This has been a very frustrating change for us, creating a decent amount of unexpected work.
Hi @Daniel4 ,
sorry for the confusion. We marked the endpoints as internal 3 weeks ago as we didn’t see any third party usage for a while and we aim to make the API leaner and more maintainable. It is true that it didn’t appear in the change log and we will check, why this wasn’t the case.
As the time reports are basically only a wrapper around the filterby and orderby query parameter which are available for the GET /timeentries endpoint and tightly coupled to our web app UI implementation, we believe the endpoints should be for internal use only.
Do you still need access to the GET /timereports endpoint? If yes, I can re-enable access for third party clients.
Yes, we still need it. Our tool relies on the GET /timeentries /timereports API.
These timereports have the gigantic advantage that they contain pre-configured parameters that can be used - via API - and applied to any project or projects. Making it possible to control external tools within Awork. That saves a lot of time and streamlines experience with time reports, time entries and those tools.
As I see it that is unbeatable compared to the Timeentries API where you have to do a lot of manual work to get similar experiences and where you will end up re-implementing at least parts of the time reports (UI) to get the same features.
But it seems you want to remove it either now or later anyway, so please at least give your API users a sensible amount of time to migrate, 3 weeks is already very short, even if announced.
@Daniel4 , the endpoint is back in 30 Minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience and problems caused by us. We will improve the internal process for those decisions.