Trigger Webhook with Body and Authentication Header


is it possible to pass some entity details to the webhook body?

I tried to call a webhook when a task is added to a specific tasklist. That works - but how can i pass the task or taskId thats the cause for the trigger?

Hi @wolfgang,

did you take a look at our webhook documentation? It should send the entity that triggered the event in the body. Webhooks — awork API | Documentation

If it doesn’t, do you have a trace id of the request (from the headers) and an example of what the webhook request looks like that you receive?


Hi @Sebastian
yes i did. And the documentation is correct for the other „default“ webhooks.

thats the hook i am talking about.

body - thats what i wrote in the text input field.
2024-08-08T05:26:45.1947434Z {entityId}

headers (some of them)
2024-08-08T05:26:45.2365868Z Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
2024-08-08T05:26:45.2370226Z Max-Forwards: 10
2024-08-08T05:26:45.2378969Z traceparent: 00-00000000000000007c8b6fe27e0cac25-ed5aa8fb5d4941df-01
2024-08-08T05:26:45.2382839Z tracestate: dd=s:1;p:ed5aa8fb5d4941df;
2024-08-08T05:26:45.2464425Z Content-Length: 10
2024-08-08T05:26:45.2497226Z x-datadog-trace-id: 8974389701033896997
2024-08-08T05:26:45.2500905Z x-datadog-parent-id: 17103168332448219615
2024-08-08T05:26:45.2504093Z x-datadog-sampling-priority: 1
2024-08-08T05:26:45.2515060Z x-datadog-tags:
2024-08-08T05:26:45.2518522Z X-ARR-LOG-ID: 36ce699d-7f34-439b-a275-1e8820f9049d

Ah, got it. This is about the webhooks in the project automations.
I did a quick check there and it seems like the only thing you can send is the body you specify in the UI here, which is sent as a JSON. So currently no way to add additional information or placeholders unfortunately.