I received a 502 error when creating a task via API.
What is the exact reason for this and how can I avoid it in the future?
Thanks in advance!
I received a 502 error when creating a task via API.
What is the exact reason for this and how can I avoid it in the future?
Thanks in advance!
Hi @make, can you give me the trace id of the failing request so I can see what is causing this?
502 is a bad gateway error which might happen temporarily during maintenance windows or other infrastructure operations. The best thing to do in this case would be to retry the request with an exponential back off as it is likely solved within seconds.
Hi @Sebastian,
Thank you for your reply.
I don’t have the Id of this specific request but I do have the run id of the Make scenario, if that helps: b151d6a23f5646b282b2b9df8316ea79
No that doesn’t help me unfortunately.