kann mir einer sagen, wo hier der Fehler liegt?
Hi @djahed.hakimyar ,
it looks like the api the webhook is calling for the test returns 400. If you give me the trace id from the response header of the call i can check the details.
Hey Nils,
we want to set up a webhook that receives events from Awork. However, since we have to whitelist IP addresses on our end for security reasons, we need to know which IP range Awork is using.
From previous support responses, we understand that Awork does not provide static IP addresses.
What is Awork’s recommended best practice for securing webhook requests in cases where IP whitelisting is not feasible?
Maybe even another way to validate webhook requests via signatures for example
Hi @djahed.hakimyar ,
our webhooks sender can send authentication information
The connection between our and your server is secured via TLS.
If you cannot open the http ports for all ips, the only way i see is using a relay service like this https://webhookrelay.com/
Does that help?